the yin and yang of it all…

haiku for today:


fragility floats

cobwebs in soft breezes waft

ambulance chasers

~ ~ ~

My mind is still swirling with ways to develop yesterday’s post and I will somehow find the time to return to that.

How do daily bloggers keep up the pace?  I need to reread the saved posts of Chris Brogan’s I have stored in my gmail folder, for advice, solace, inspiration.

Today I’m running somewhat behind my usual over-ambitious schedule of planned tasks and commitments, but determined to post each day until I find my rhythm.

Today, already, I’ve felt pulled, plunged, prodded, on lots of levels.

Very early this morning I finished a book [Midwives, by Chris Bohjalian].  Last night I was simply too sleepy but I awoke ‘needing’ to see it to the end. There is a phrase often quoted by Unitarian-Universalists and others, “Just to question is an answer,” and Midwives is one of those books that leaves me with lots of questions. An interesting read, but not a story to easily let go of…

Have you read this book?  Did you react differently?

The usual 100+ emails in my morning inbox, this morning’s classes, this morning’s voicemail messages have all added to my mind’s disarray.

And so another day in the life of Holly progresses…