ta-da’s, ta-done’s and discontinue printing phone books?

haiku for the day

job applications:

Mother Nature’s scrutiny

wildlife panels score

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The eclectic title of today’s post represents a few highlights from my mumbo-jumbo day.

I like lists. My mom teases me that I would be declared deranged, quickly, if I were not allowed to write my post-it notes!  My husband agrees, although he’d add scratchpad notes and scratch paper to the post-its.

So, I was thinking of writing about my attempts to switch to writing notes online.

There are many applications out there (some listed here), Evernote and SpringNote are the two I’ve heard the most about.

I also wanted to write about a tip I heard several months ago and keep trying to follow, and that is to make a “ta-done!” list each night.  I wasn’t sure whether to spell ‘ta’ as ‘tah’ or ‘ta’, so I googled and discovered an application I like, tadalist.com!  I’ve been playing around with this tadalist today, using it both for to-do and ta-done lists (ta-da!).

Do you keep ta-done lists? Do you keep to-do lists?

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On my to-do list was to log in to EnglishCafe.com and check current posts.  I read Shelley’s post:


Later, I wanted to compare companies for a particular type of service we need done at our home (septic tank pumping) and only one from my google search had a website. So I decided to check our (paper) phone book.

As I reached for the phone book and flipped to the Yellow Pages, it occurred to me that it was an unusual gesture (reaching for the phone book) these days.  That led me to thinking about the expense and environmental footprint involved in printing and distributing phone books.  That led me to the question, why don’t phone companies discontinue the practice of widespread distribution?  That led me to wonder if anyone had, so I googled and found this article from USA Today.

And that led me to want to ponder these questions and to ask you these questions:

1. Do you still receive ‘free’ copies of telephone books?  If yes, how many do you receive and how often?  If no, do you recall when distribution ceased?

2. Shouldn’t, couldn’t landline phone bills be reduced if the publishing were discontinued?  What are the pros and cons of this idea?  [We gave up our landline phone number earlier this year; do you still have a landline phone?]

3. Who would be inconvenienced (and how inconvenienced?) if telephone companies no longer provided the phone books, or no longer for free?  How many jobs would be lost as a result?

4. Could kiosks with phone directories be placed at convenient locations at less cost than distributing the paper directories?  Couldn’t paying customers simply be provided with a website directory? or a log in access code to such a directory?

5. How often do you reach for and use a phone book? 

6. What reactions, comments, questions do you have in relation to this topic?

I hope to hear from you soon!

Holly, over and out for tonight.