
daily haiku:

recipes, workshops,

ingredients, handshakes, smiles

sunshine splashes through

~ ~ ~

Collaboration is a word that came to  mind quite often today.

What does the word ‘collaborate’ mean to you?

This weekend I watched and listened as my husband collaborated with a neighbor to frame in a new gabled roof  over our porch.  The tips and tricks to framing, to most carpentry/construction projects are beyond my current knowledge zone, but the maneuvers of collaboration were familiar.

At the JMRL booksale today, evidence of collaboration was evident. I’ve attended this sale for years (hope to be one of the volunteer collaborators one day) and part of the fun each year is noticing improvements to the overall operation.  The volunteers work all year, intense organization is involved, and streamlining the schedules, steps, tasks, procedures while adhering to library policies, attending to neighborhood parking challenges, increasing profits — is a massive undertaking! Kudos to the team.

Today I attended an interesting two-hour workshop about cooking with microwaves. The presenter shared several new-to-we-attendees ideas, many of which prompted questions as we prepared various recipes. It occurred to me as we nearly simultaneously asked the same questions (several times over), that this type of workshop would be an ideal way to prepare for writing a cookbook. Collaborating and revising the recipes themselves, but more importantly the details to include in the published collection — details more likely to ‘answer in advance’ the questions a majority of consumers might have.

As a co-moderator for EVO_Drama_2012  [“Electronic Village Online” (EVO) an online five-week workshop focusing on the use of drama in language learning], a spirit of collaboration is a must!  The co-moderators live and work in Argentina, Taiwan, Arizona, Vietnam, Virginia, New Hampshire, Delaware. It is exciting and rewarding, but not always easy.  Technology (tools such as wikis, Skype, YahooGroups and more) help immeasurably.

Reflecting on collaboration, family comes to mind, too. Planning weekend visits, holiday meals and travels, especially as my folks grow older, requires an increasing amount of collaborative effort.

Synonyms for collaboration include:


joint effort



working together


Today was a day full of collaboration — participating, witnessing, benefiting from, and more.

Was it the same for you?

~ ~ ~

And this afternoon I baked an apple pie (photo above) and prepared a new recipe from a cookbook I purchased at the library sale!

The result was a combination of two recipes and additional doctoring by moi — a sausage slumgullion of sorts:

sausage, onions, garlic, cumin, savory, black pepper, corn, garbanzo beans, peas, butternut squash, a few raisins, a smattering of date bits, served over small portions of angel hair pasta with Romano cheese!
